Two Rivers Acupuncture & Tuina Werbebanner: Das Fabelwesen halb Löwe, Leopard und chinesischer Drache erinnert mit seinem Fellmuster an die typischen Merkmale nach einer Schröpfbehandlung in der TCM.


In China it is common to have outpatients come into the clinic for daily treatments. They undergo a series of 10 treatments (2 weeks.) and then have a break of 3 weeks until a new series starts.

This approach is suitbable for patients:

  • with burnout syndromes.
  • who have a pending important appointment – exams, job interviews, public events.
  • who find themselves in long-term situations with hard-to-negotiate negative stressors – sport competition series, project work, separation from a partner, partners who need physical care.
  • patients, who will undergo a difficult operation or therapy cycle (for example: Chemo therapy).