Two Rivers Acupuncture & Tuina Werbebanner: Das Fabelwesen halb Löwe, Leopard und chinesischer Drache erinnert mit seinem Fellmuster an die typischen Merkmale nach einer Schröpfbehandlung in der TCM.


Treating illnesses the natural way I deal with health issues covering the following areas: Sports injuries Back pain, Shoulder pain Tired legs Occupational related ailments: mouse arm, headaches, stress symptoms Digestion, weight loss Mental problems – depression, general fear Fertility Menstrual cycle related problems Prevention: Diabetes, high blood pressure and other life-style diseases Eyes Hearing loss Congested sinuses Allergies Strengthening the immune system Sexual health Loss of concentration Frequent colds, running noses Treatment of scar … Read more


In China it is common to have outpatients come into the clinic for daily treatments. They undergo a series of 10 treatments (2 weeks.) and then have a break of 3 weeks until a new series starts.

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My patients benefit from a network of colleagues, who have specialized in other therapy approaches like: Herbal Medicine Dietetic counseling Shiatsu Lab-based diagnosis (Orthomolecular Medicine) Hypnotherapy Qigong and Taiji Quan Sundao (Meditation & Breathing exercises)


Tuina Anmo often abreviated as Tuina is one of the 5 therapeutic branches from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). The other 4 branches are acupuncture, herbal medicine, Qi Gong / Taijiquan aka “Tai Chi”, and 5 Elements nutrition.

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I treat individual male or female patients as well as couples along TCM concepts with regards to improving their chances for conceiving a baby regardless of their chosen path: IVF & Transfer or just a change in life style for letting nature have its way. Before conceivingA combination of acupuncture, Tuina and counseling empowers patients to conceive a baby. Before the transferAcupuncture and Tuina prepare the body for welcoming the fertilized egg and letting it … Read more


Q: That means sticking needles in your ear?A: Yes and no. Your ear lobes will be needled and some of the visible areas on your ear. There is no needling of the hearing canal. The needles are considerably smaller and thinner than with body acupuncture. The insertion depth is 1 to 2 mm depending on the location. Q: Does it hurt?A: Yes, it feels like a mosquito bite with the insertion pain rapidly settling down. … Read more