Two Rivers Acupuncture & Tuina Werbebanner: Das Fabelwesen halb Löwe, Leopard und chinesischer Drache erinnert mit seinem Fellmuster an die typischen Merkmale nach einer Schröpfbehandlung in der TCM.


Pricelist from 18.01.2023

Regular follow up appointments

Regular follow up appointments (Acupuncture and/or Tuina and/or Qigong) – ca. 60 min
The core treatment will be acupuncture with Tuina and or Qigong as a way to prepare the body for needling or for providing follow up exercises.

Mo to Friday:
9.00 to 17.00 – 110 Euros
17.00 and later – 125 Euros

First appointment

First appointments – ca. 1.5 hours
First Appointment: 150 Euros (ca. 1.5 hrs)

TCM Diagnosis (i.e. First Appointment) + German transcript: 300 Euros
TCM Diagnosis (i.e. First Appointment) + German transcript + referral options for other TCM Practitioners / Heilpraktiker & Qigong Teachers: 320 Euros

Tuina only treatments

Tuina Session ( ca. 75 min treatment time): 125 Euros

A Tuina Session comprises more extensive treatment scripts for:

  • Full Body
  • Sports Recovery
  • Legs & Knees
  • Hips

Chinese Hospital Treatment Series

10 consecutive daily treatments (50 min each) over 14 days: 800 Euro

Cash payments and receipts

I kindly ask my patients to pay in cash after each treatment. You will get a receipt and if needed a summary invoice after a series of treatments for your private insurance.