Two Rivers Acupuncture & Tuina Werbebanner: Das Fabelwesen halb Löwe, Leopard und chinesischer Drache erinnert mit seinem Fellmuster an die typischen Merkmale nach einer Schröpfbehandlung in der TCM.


Yin and Yang are two forces in the universe that are effective everywhere. It explains the ongoing process and dynamics of natural change.

The well-known symbol of Yin and Yang represents the universal law of eternal change. It represents the way in which things change. Opposites attract each other, they condition each other, form a unity and ultimately – at their peak – become their opposite. It is a description without evaluation, neither yin nor yang is good or bad.

Yin and Yang are not absolute terms. They are always seen in relation to one another. An example: the chest is yin compared to the back, but yang compared to the pelvis.

We are healthy and our self-healing powers are active when Yin (vital sap and substance) and Yang (vital force and energy) are in a balanced relationship to one another.

Yin signifies vital fluids (blood) and substance, the ability to relax, restful sleep and good nerves, serenity, patience and calm, the condensed matter, earth, sinking down, darkness, cold, relaxation, retreat

Sufficient substance and vitality are necessary for this

Yang signifies life force and energy: Movement, dynamics, light, warmth, expansion, resistance, joie de vivre, willpower, sky, rises upwards. All active processes in our organism

Sufficient energy (Qi), life force and warmth are necessary for this

Illness is always an imbalance between yin (substance) and yang (energy). If a component is missing, there is no life. In death, energy and substance, i.e. yin and yang, have separated.

Yin and Yang are two forces in the universe that are effective everywhere. Their interplay is the basis for the continuous process of every natural change, every movement in the universe and the basis of man himself. Yin and Yang are relative quantities, they determine each other, are dependent on one another, together they form a whole, they are constantly in motion and in constant change.

We are healthy and our self-healing powers are active when Yin (vital sap and substance) and Yang (vital force and energy) are in a balanced relationship to one another.

There is no static state in the cosmos, everything is constantly in motion! We humans are also in a constant process of change. All manifestations have a share of yin and yang.

Yin is the sap of life (blood) and substance, the condensed matter, earth, sinks down, darkness, cold, relaxation, retreat

Yang is life force and energy, movement, dynamic, light, warmth, expansion, sky, rising upwards

Yin and Yang are opposites that together form a unit and depend on each other, they only exist in connection with each other.

Illness is always an imbalance between yin (substance) and yang (energy). If a component is missing, there is no life. In death, energy and substance, i.e. Yin and Yang, have separated.