Two Rivers Acupuncture & Tuina Werbebanner: Das Fabelwesen halb Löwe, Leopard und chinesischer Drache erinnert mit seinem Fellmuster an die typischen Merkmale nach einer Schröpfbehandlung in der TCM.


The AGTCM is Germany’s largest self-organised institution representing professional Chinese Medicine practitioners both with a Heilpraktiker-work license, medical doctors and midwives.

It is also the organizer of Germany’s biggest annual conference on Chinese Medicine in Rothenburg/OT.

The following conditions are highlighted on the AGTCM website:

Hay fever & allergies Treatment protocols may include acupuncture and herbal prescriptions. Acupuncture treatmenst focus on:

  • relieving symptoms
  • improving the immune system reponse
  • addressing secondary weaknesses to ensure that the immune system is not compromised

Stress-related symptoms and stress-induced illnesses
Acupuncture works both on the physical and mental level, focusing on the patient’s very own list of reported symptoms, mood changes as well as motivational challenges.

Neurological conditions
One of the domains of TCM is neurology. In China, the accompanying treatment of strokes with methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is routine. There are emprically proven and widely applied needle protocoals for neurological conditions such as strokes, paralysis, etc.

Musculosceletal pain / joint pain
From the age of 45, almost every second person suffers from painful joints. The knee joints are most commonly affected. The diagnostic approach in Chinese Medicine pays particular attention to the nature of the perceived pain (dull, stabbing, “electric”, pain in motion, pain in rest etc.) to derive tailored acupuncture treatment protocols.

The AGTCM has also published a summary paper documenting clinical research on acupuncture applications (including research up to 2008).