Two Rivers Acupuncture & Tuina Werbebanner: Das Fabelwesen halb Löwe, Leopard und chinesischer Drache erinnert mit seinem Fellmuster an die typischen Merkmale nach einer Schröpfbehandlung in der TCM.

Appointments are available on weekdays in the clinic at Frankfurt / Hauptwache.

Please call or mail me if you have any questions  or want to book an appointment for urgent issues.

I am an acupuncturist using Chinese Medicine and Japanese Acupuncture Styles.  Additionally you can get treatments with:

I treat patients with issues regarding:

Booking Information

You can send me an E-mail with your preferred time slot:

Or use the booking tool below:

If you don’t see the window for the online booking form, then your browser does not support the ‘booking’ widget. Please phone or just send an e-mail and I am happy to provide you with a proposal for an appointment date.